№3 2014(SUMMARIES)
Social psychology of
time: actual state and prospects of researches
Nestik T.A.
The social psychology of time as an independent
scientific area is grounded. Its main phenomena under study as peculiarities of
individual attitude to time resulting in group members' interaction; objective
temporal-spatial organization of interpersonal and intergroup interaction;
peculiarities of perception, experience, understanding and organization of time
in group consciousness and collective activity that cannot be reduced to
characteristics of certain person's subjective time - are defined. Seven main
approaches to socio-psychological study of attitude to time are specified:
system-dynamic, resource, communicative, cross-cultural, commemorative,
visionersky futurological, and socio-integrative. Perspectives for
further researches in the area are outlined.
Key words: group attitude to time, psychology
of time, perception of time, temporal perspective, group dynamics,
organizational psychology, collective memory, leadership, small groups,
organizations, foresight, economic psychology, cross-cultural psychology
Social beliefs and
motivation to learn: the role of organizational justice
Gulevich O.A.
Correlation between motivation to learn and
assessment of educational interaction's justice and social beliefs are
examined. This study explores the relation between social beliefs, organizational
justice evaluation and learning motivation. It was hypothesized that the higher
students assess the justice of treatment with them and the lower their
dangerous world and competitive world beliefs are the higher intrinsic
motivation to learn will be. Therewith the influence of social beliefs is
mediated by the educational justice evaluation. Participants were 895 students
of the 1-st and the 4-th year from four Russian universities (54% female, M age
= 19, SD age = 1.64). Three methods - measurement of belief in dangerous and
competitive world; assessment of justice in conducting difficult credit/exam;
motivation to learn in the university - were used in the research. They
completed the Dangerous World Beliefs Scale, Jungle World Beliefs Scale, Organizational
Justice Scale and Academic Motivation Scale.The results partly support
hypotheses and demonstrate that the procedural justice evaluation moderates
correlation between social beliefs and learning motivation.
Key words: theory of self-determination,
motivation to learn, organizational justice, belief in dangerous and
competitive world
Kindness, tolerance
and empathy in the system of moral-psychological attitudes of students''
Brazhnikova A.N.
Based on theoretical analysis it was
hypothesized that true love for other people is characterized by high level of
kindness, tolerance and empathy manifestation. In the structure of person's
moral-psychological attitudes love for other people is considered to be a
central element of the attitude to other man. Based on the sample of 369
students from professional colleges, colleges, technical secondary schools and
universities differences in the structure of empathy were empirically revealed
and found reduced level of empathy manifestation. It was also shown that high
level of tolerance was the most frequent among university students, and high
level of kindness for other people was the most frequent among students from
professional colleges and universities. Low levels of tolerance and kindness
for other people were the most frequent among students from colleges and
technical secondary schools. The factor structure of love for other people in
the system of person's moral-psychological attitudes is examined;
"kindness, tolerance" as the best way to realize attitudes to other
person is the dominant factor.
Key words: attitude to other man, moral-psychological attitudes
of a person, love for other people, empathy, tolerance, kindness, students
Kindness, tolerance
and empathy in the system of moral-psychological attitudes of students''
Brazhnikova A.N.
Based on theoretical analysis it was
hypothesized that true love for other people is characterized by high level of
kindness, tolerance and empathy manifestation. In the structure of person's
moral-psychological attitudes love for other people is considered to be a
central element of the attitude to other man. Based on the sample of 369
students from professional colleges, colleges, technical secondary schools and
universities differences in the structure of empathy were empirically revealed
and found reduced level of empathy manifestation. It was also shown that high
level of tolerance was the most frequent among university students, and high
level of kindness for other people was the most frequent among students from
professional colleges and universities. Low levels of tolerance and kindness
for other people were the most frequent among students from colleges and
technical secondary schools. The factor structure of love for other people in
the system of person's moral-psychological attitudes is examined;
"kindness, tolerance" as the best way to realize attitudes to other
person is the dominant factor.
Key words: attitude to other man, moral-psychological
attitudes of a person, love for other people, empathy, tolerance, kindness,
Mediating role of
ethnic image in interethnic relationships
Khotinets V. Yu., Molchanova E.A.
The results of empiric revealing of factors of
ethnic image in interethnic relationships transformation are presented. By the
example of Russian and Udmurt ethnic groups it has been shown that ethnic image
transforms with the number of interacting subjects increasing, when some
difficulties and obstacles in intercultural interaction arise and relations of
interacting subjects become more complex (strengthening of emotional tension
and synergy of interethnic relations). Differences in transformation of
affective, cognitive and behavioral components of ethnic image of Udmurts and
Russians as a result of influence of mentioned factors are specified, thus
confirming mediating role of image in interethnic relationships. Images of
"typical Udmurt" and "typical Russian" have been created as
the result of analysis of specific traits of ethnoses under study.
Key words: picture of the world, image of the world,
ethnic image, cognitive, behavioral, affective components, mediating of
interethnic relations
Peculiarities of
cognitive processes in Internet-addicts
Plokhikh V.V., Akimov S.K.
Peculiarities of memory and thinking processes
in internet-addicts in connection with their ability to organize temporal
perspective of life activity are considered. 43 Internet-addicts and 43
Internet independent persons were selected from primary sample of 723 students.
Test and experimental computer methods were used in the empiric research.
Disorders of memory and thinking functions that are responsible for semantic
processing were revealed in Internet addicts. Dominating hedonistic and
fatalistic directions of "the present" of Internet-addicts have been
shown, thus due to disturbances of semantic processing of information
conditions essential limitations in subjective representation of temporal perspective
of life activity.
Key words: internet-addiction, cognitive processes,
function of memory, function of thinking, temporal perspective, semantic
processing of information
Manifestations of
aggression in modern Russian society as a psychological problem
Yurevich A.V.
The level of aggression in modern Russian
society is analyzed. Statistic data along with the results of psychological and
sociological researches are presented. The main reason for the phenomenon as
well as destructive influence of excess aggression on society including
aetiology and pathogenesis of somatic and mental diseases are considered in the
context of psychological theories of aggression. Essential measures for
aggression level decreasing are enumerated.
Key words: modern russian society, aggression,
psychological theories, "shift of aggression", "relay race of aggression",
violence, hostility, nation''s health
Phenomenon of
corruption in Russia as socio-political, socio-cultural and socio-psychological
Sosnin V.A.
Phenomenon of corruption in Russia as a problem
of macro psychology is considered. The connection of corruption in Russia with
global tendencies of civilization development is analyzed. Corruption in Russia
is shown to be not only a social, political, economic and social-psychological
problem but also a spiritual-civilization one. Reasons for corruption in Russia
as well as formation of complex scientifically based opposition to corruption
from legal, institutional, level, socio-psychological and socio-cultural approaches
are discussed. Socio-economic foundations and diversity of corruption's
consequences for modern Russia are considered in connection with socio-economic
policy of the state. The possibility of opposition to corruption via
moral-ethics values of Russian society is demonstrated.
Key words: corruption, ideology, macro psychology,
safety, religion, economic policy, social identity, cultural archetype,
socio-cultural approach, social-psychological phenomenon, corruption
strategies, opposition
Method for diagnostics
of propensity to destructive communication in adolescents
Mingazova D.V., Fatyhova R.M., Nesterova I.N.
Authors' questionnaire "Method for
diagnostics of propensity to destructive communication" (MDPD) oriented to
destructive form of problem communication in adolescents revealing is
presented. Main types of destructive communication (deviant, selfish, barrier,
conflict and narcissistic) are marked out. The assessment of psychometric
qualities of the method, its adequacy for psychodiagnostic purposes was
conducted in empiric study in secondary comprehensive schools of Bashkortostan
Key words: destructive communication, deviant
communication, selfish communication, barrier communication, conflict
communication, narcissistic communication, reliability, validity,
discriminativity, factor analysis
The revised version of
"The Personal Sovereignty Questionnaire - 2010"
Nartova-Bochaver S.K.
Psychological sovereignty is considered as a
state of person's boundaries in different everyday life spheres providing a
social and personal well-being. The new version of Personal Sovereignty
Questionnaire (PSQ-2010) is developed and described; psychometric properties
and results of CFA are shown. Content validity, divergent validity, and
consistency are tested on the sample of N = 1073 respondents. A system of
individual correlates of sovereignty is described. The questionnaire has been
standardized, profile forms have been developed.
Key words: personality, sovereignty, deprivedness,
measurement, boundaries, well-being
Электронные журналы Института психологии РАН
Международная юбилейная научная конференция
7 - 8 декабря 2023 г., Москва
Сборник конференции молодых ученых, 2019
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