№2 2014 (SUMMARIES)
principle of a subject: study of person’s life course
Abulkhanova K. A.
Researches of methodological
functions and operational possibilities of subject’s principle are presented.
Individual modes of person’s own life course organization and person’s ways of
becoming a subject under conditions of changing society are revealed.
Key worlds: subject, methodological principle
of a subject, personality, individuality, life course, community, society
Anthropic principle as
a theoretical basis for psychology's actual problems solution
Golikov Yu. Ya.
Modern methodological researches in
psychology are analyzed in consideration of the basic features of formation of
a post-non-classical scientific picture of world; necessity of mere active
inclusion of psychology for general scientific processes is shown. Some variants
of anthropic principle (cosmological, physical, ethical and other), reflecting
representations about connection of object and the subject during evolution of
a material world, are described. Psychological interpretation of anthropic
principle, directed on disclosing of a role and a place of the human being and
our terrestrial civilization in the Universe, perfection and development of
psychological knowledge of the human being, is offered.
Key worlds: a scientific picture of the world,
post-non-classical rationality, universal evolutionism, general-systemic laws
of evolutionary development, anthropic principle, space psychology
Success in teamwork:
reflexive-value characteristics
Gorbunova V. V
A comparative study of the features
of value characteristics of consciousness of persons successful in team and
individual types of employment is presented. A number of value-reflexive
phenomena associated with the subjective value of activity and relationships
for employees, successful in team-working is identified and compared to the same
for individuals who prefer individual type of employment.
Key words: value consiousness, reflection
values, success in teamwork, the value of work, the value of relationships,
reflexive-value phenomenon
Structure and
functions of self-injurious behavior
Polskaya N. A
Development of self-injurious
behavior based on theoretical notions about differential orientation and
cultural-historic mediation of psyche and behavior ontogenesis are studied.
Biological and socio-cultural determinants of self-injurious behavior are
described. Its structure is considered on the basis of ontogenetic laws of
behavior formation - from elementary motor schemata to symbolically mediated
actions. Systematization of self-injury types (reactive, dysfunctional,
identificational and dysontogenetic) is carried out, functions of self-injurious
behavior (organizational, emotional-regulative and personal-regulative) are
marked out.
Key words: self-injurious behavior, cultural-historic
approach, ontogenesis, dysontogenesis, classification of self-injury actions,
types of self-injury, functions of self-injurious behavior
Correlation between
creativity and variativity
Dorfman L.Y., Baleva M. V.
Variativity as a key feature of
creativity is examined in the article. Variativity is presented as a prevailing
feature of divergent thinking, closely associated with associations, concept’s
formation, attention. Correlation between variativity, divergent thinking,
person’s creative potential and creative products have been studied. Some
related theories are described. The perspectives and nearest tasks in study of
creativity as variation are outlined.
Key words: creativity, variation, divergent
thinking, associations, formation of concepts, attention, cre- ative
personality, creative products
phenomenon in research of unconscious reactions on significant semantic stimuli
Yanjshin P. V
The Microkinetic Phenomenon (MKP) -
a motivated involuntary micro motor component of voluntary movements - is
studied. In the course of 100 experimental sessions on 10 subjects, the
hypothesis of the reflection of completely unconscious semantic stimulation in the
MKP was tested. By means of micro motor reactions, the intuitive structure of
the factor space was obtained. It corresponds to the psychoanalytic concepts of
leading objects (I, Sex, maternal figure, father figure) important for formation
of main personal attitudes in individual experience. Factor of semantic space,
similar to Ch. Osgoog’s factor “Evaluation” was obtained as well.
Key words: priming-effect, subliminal
stimulation, unconscious perception, psychosemantics of consciousness, implicit
structures of experience
mechanisms and cultural-historic premises of anorexia’s origin
Stupak R., Bochaver A. A.
Selected aspects of the process of
anorexia nervosa construction from the stand point of feminine and gender
researches are presented. Cultural-historical premises of anorexia’s origin not
only as mental disease but cultural phenomenon as well are in the focus of the
Key words anorexia, social constricting,
Essay on B.G.
Ananiev’s theory of individual mental development
Loginova N. A.
The article represents the main
ideas of B.G. Ananiev’s developmental psychology. The anthropological principle
and idea of wholeness are of great importance. The psychological development of
human being is treated as changing human organic nature under social influences
and own acitivity of a person. The resources and moving forces of development
belongs to the inner structure of personality. The brain bilateral organization
treated as a special regulator of human development. B.G. Ananiev had created a
new project for pedagogical anthropology. It is founded on the principle of the
relevancy to the human nature. This principle demands to mind the objective
laws of human development, including sensitive periods. The article discusses
perspectives and actuality of Ananiev’s theory for Russian psychological
Key words: anthropological psychology of
development, ontogenesis, life course, laws of development, pedagogical
anthropology, b.g. ananiev’s conception and modern psychology
Instruments for types
of interpersonal contradictions and conflicts in small groups study
Sidorenkov A. V., Lokteva E. A., Mkrtchyan A.
The results of elaboration and
assessment of two methodical instruments are presented. «Questionnaire “Types
of interpersonal conflicts
in group” (QTICFG) has been constucted to study activity-oriented and
personally-orientated types of conflict in a small group and in informal subgroups. Questionnaire “Types of
interpersonal countradictions in group” (QTICNG) makes it possible to study
seven types of interpersonal contradictions as sources for conflicts in a small group and informal
subgroups: contradictions of interests, activity-organizational contradictions,
activity-sanctional contradictions, cognitive contradictions,
personal-behavioral contradictions and value-normative and ethnic ones. On the
sample of 13 civil groups and 10 military subdivisions (146 employees and 145
military men) assessment of content, face and discriminant validity,
reliability - consistency of two forms and two parts of questionnaire has been
Key words: small group, informal subgroup,
interpersonal conflict, types of conflict, types of contradictions
Reflexive orientation
and its diagnostic in the structure of action control
Mitina O. V., Rasskazova E. I.
Yu. Kuhl’s action control conception
is analyzed. In contrast to traditional notions according to which orientation
to action/state in failure, planning and realization are examined in its structure,
reflexive orientation
associated with conscious choice of action’s delay for the purpose of analyzing
what is happening and/or coping with one’s own state is considered. In two
experiments ( N 1 = 286, N 2 = 280) three factor structure of action control
(orientation to action, state and reflexive orientation) in planning and failure has been confirmed. Reflexive orientaion scale is reliable enough and
correlates with existing methods of reflexivity diagnostics and is the best predictor
for planning and programming under activity”s selfregulation in comparison with
orientation to activity and state
key words: action control, orientation to action/state,
reflexive orientation, modification of questionnaire “orientation to
action/state”, phychodiagnostics
The structure of
mentality of West European and Russian society in the X-XVII centuries:
ethnofunctional analysis
Sukharev A. V.
The results of comparative analysis
of structure of European mentality in the X-XVII centuries in Europe and the
Old Russia of the same period on the ground of the ethnofunctional methodology
in science are presented in the article. The results of the investigation of
the role of integration into Italian mentality the antic (pagan) mythology for
development of the phenomenon of the Renáissance (in Italia and North Europe),
specifically the scientific thinking are revealed. The important resulf of
analysis is the existence of invariable ethnofunctional structure of mentality
in Old Russia, Moscow State and modern Russia.
Key words: ethnofunctional methodology in science, the age
of the renaissance, west europe, old russia, mentality, european mentality,
russian mentality, paganism, antic mythology, scientific thinking
Электронные журналы Института психологии РАН
Международная юбилейная научная конференция
7 - 8 декабря 2023 г., Москва
Сборник конференции молодых ученых, 2019
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