№1 2014 (SUMMARIES)
Collective meanings as
a premise for personal happiness
Zhuravlev A. L., Yurevich A. V
Economy and psychology of happiness
as new scientific approaches to society’s goals and key points of its
development understanding are examined. Psychological structure of happiness
and its main compo nents are described. Correspondences between such resembling
notions as happiness, satisfaction with life, subjective quality of life and
subjective well-being are analyzed. Conception about meaning of life as one of
fundamental components of satisfaction with life and happiness are based.
Collective meanings of life are supposed to be one of the basic elements of
happiness in collectivist cultures. National idea the lack of which in Russia
gives rise to a number of typical “social diseases” is considered as the main
source for collective meanings of life.
Key words: economy, psychology, happiness,
satisfaction with life, subjective well-being, quality of life, meaning of
life, collective meanings, national idea
Theories and empirical
researches on justice in the foreign personality psychology
Nartova-Bochaver S. K., Astanina N. B
The review of researches and
theories in psychology of justice in foreign personality psychology is
presented. Theories of belief in a just world and sensitivity to justice are
analyzed. Methods and procedures of justice study in psychology are specified.
Phenomenology of belief in a just world as a world-view attitude and justice
sensitivity as a personal traitis described. Prospects for psychology of
justice for different fields of applied psychology are outlined.
Key words: psychology of personality,
psychology of justice, belief in a just world, sensitivity to justice,
prosocial attitudes, selfish
attitudes, person’s resources
Stability and dynamics
in childhood personality: the role of gender and age
Kozlova E. A., Akhmetova O. A., Slobodskaya H.
The longitudinal study presents
stability and changes in the Big Five and mid-level personality traits measured
by the “Inventory of Children’s Individual Differences” (ICID) of 441 children
aged 2 to 14 years. Differential continuity of personality traits in childhood
and adolescence was moderate in magnitude; Conscientiousness and Extraversion
were the most consistent, whereas Neuroticism was the least consistent. Results
showed that children and adolescents increase in Consciousness and decrease in
Neuroticism. These mean-level changes were observed mainly in girls. The role
of age showed normative developmental changes: Strong-Willed decreased in
preschool and school age and increased in adolescence; Fear increased in
preschool and then decreased; Conscientiousness and Organized increased in
school age
Key words personality, development, children,
characteristics and mathematical achievement in high school students:
cross-cultural analyses
Tikhomirova T. N., Malykh S. B., Tosto M. G.,
Kovas Y. V.
The report presents the
cross-cultural study of cognitive characteristics - number sense, spatial
memory, and speed of processing - in their relation to the variation in
mathematical achievement in high school students from UK and the Russian
Federation. Analyses of variance showed statistically significant average differences between the
two countries on all assessed variables. The results of the multiple regression
identified three
universal cognitive predictors of mathematical achievement: (1) the precision
of placement of a number on a mental number line; (2) the ability to compare
non-symbolic numerosities; and (3) the spatial working memory capacity. The
results of cross-cultural comparisons are interpreted in the context of the two
educational systems.
Key words cross-cultural analyses,
educational environment, individual differences, gender differences, speed of
processing, visuo-spatial memory, number sense, mathematical achievement,
high-school students
Unity of differential
and integration mechanisms in development of special abilities and creativity
in the context of scientific knowledge increase
Volkova E. V.
The results of theoretical and
empiric analysis indicative of unity in differential and integration mechanisms
of scientific knowledge’s increase, conceptual structures’ formation,
development of general and special mental abilities as well as origination of
ideas in creative process are presented. Origination of new ideas or
personality’s characteristics transition from one developmental level to
another is shown to be accompanied by simultaneous increase in differentiation
and integration. Characteristics of conceptual structures’ organization
relevant to certain fields of object reality are shown to be the best predictors
of activity efficiency under the sufficient level of intelligence and creativity
development and object knowledge’s mastering.
Key words differential and integration theory
of development, communication and special abilities, mental structures
Correlation between
ethnic identity of migrants - Armenian and
their living conditions in host community
Konstantinov V. V., Vershinina M. V
The problem of correlation between
the experience of being in other ethno-cultural environment and involvement in
national-cultural autonomy with peculiarities of migrants’ ethnic identity are
examined. Differences in types of ethnic identity, strategies of acculturation,
substantial characteristics of identity, level of person’s aggression subject
to duration of migrants’ staying in host ethnic environment and their
involvement in the activity of national community are revealed. Main
identificational models of migrants - model of narrow - ethnic identification,
model of unstable identification and model of outofethnic identification are
marked out and described.
Key words ethnic identity, communal organizations,
peculiarities of ethnic identity, identificational mod- els of personality
approach to genesis of psychological thought in Old Russian period study
Klypa O. V
Specific character of
interdisciplinary approach to historic-psychological researches is described.
The use of logic-selective method in the study of genesis of Old Russian
psychological thought is based. Perspective lines for psychological thought in
Old Russian period study are defined. Icon painting is considered to be a form
of reflection of Old Russian’s psychological attitudes.
Key words genesis, psychological thought, old russian
period, interdisciplinary research, methods of historic-psychological study,
forms of reflecting of psychological attitudes, icon painting
Internationality and national
peculiarity of science
Shefer B., Shleder B
Relationship between
internationality and national peculiarities of science is discussed. Point of
view that nationally conditioned and international fundamentals of science do
not eliminate each other but are in fruitful changeable interrelation is
stated. The conclusion that under all efforts aimed at internationality it is
necessary to take into consideration corresponding nationally conditioned
traditions and mentality.
Key words science, mainstream,
internationality, national peculiarities, scientific cognition, value atti-
tude, innovational potential
mindedness” in the structure of intellectual and personal potential
(adaptation of questionnaire)
Novikova M. A., Kornilova T. V
The results of Psychological
Mindedness Scale approbation on Russian students’ sample are presented. Factor
structure, empirical and convergent validity are described. Correlations
between scales of questionnaire and indices of tolerance for ambiguity, risk
readiness, rationality, reflexivity, self-assessed intelligence and emotional
intelligence are discussed.
Key words self-consciousness, psychological
mindedness, self-assessment of intelligence, tolerance for ambiguity, risk,
rationality, self-efficiency, emotional intelligence, personal intelligence
Elaboration of
questionnaire for notions about love study
Djidaryan I. A., Belovol E.V., Maslova O. V
Procedure for notions about love
study is proposed. Discriminating feature of the questionnaire is in its
orientation on value-meaning aspects of love. Dicta of famous thinkers,
writers, poets, cultural workers as well as proverbs and sayings are in the
basis. Psychometric characteristics of the questionnaire are presented. Three
factors were extracted, thus three subscales: “Love as an encumbrance”, “Love
as a devotion”, and “Love as man ennobles power” were defined.
Key words classical notions about love,
reliability, factor structure, orthogonality, correlation analysis, second
order factors, subscales
Adaptation of the
Russian version of “The Sport Imagery Questionnaire”
Veraksa A. N., Gorovaya A. E., Grushko A. I.,
Bayanova L. F., Galliulina M. Sh., Galyavieva D. G
The results of the psychometric
analysis of the suitability of the Russian version of the “The Sport Imagery
Questionnaire” (“Questionnaire using imagery in sport”) are presented. Powered
meaningful comparison of the results in the Russian-speaking, Spanish and
Finnish samples of athletes is obtained. Patterns of use of the sport imageries
by Russian-speaking athletes in accordance with the specific age, gender,
specific to that particular sport are identified. The possibility of use of
presented version of the questionnaire for further research is measured.
Key words sport, sport psychology, imagery,
“the sport imagery questionnaire” (siq)
“Thought” as an object
for psychological study
Shadrikov V. D.
The results of fundamental
psychological problem’s study - ‘what is a human thought’, ‘what is a mechanism
of its generation’, and ‘what is a structure of human thought - are presented. The
neurophysiological mechanisms that ensure the thought generation are discussed
as well. The definition of thought as a need-emotional-intentional substance is
provided. The thought-image and thought-word relationships are exposed. The
analysis of thought and image intellectualization process is given. The
necessity of introducing the notion ‘thought’ into categorial apparatus of
psychology is argued.
Key words categorial apparatus, human
thinking, generation mechanism, structure, information, intel- lectualization,
thought and image, thought and word
Электронные журналы Института психологии РАН
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