№ 3/2010 год (eng)
- Development of theory of professional fatigue. Part I. “Fatigue” category in the system of notions about man’s functional state and activity. V. A. Bodrov
- Adaptation of R. Hackman‘s and G. Oldham‘s “Job Diagnostic Survey” on Russian-speaking sample. I.N. Bondarenko
- Cognitive-style structure of confidence phenomenon. E. V. Golovina, I. G. Skotnikova
- S.L. Rubinstein’s creative activity and scientific school. A.N. Zhdan
- Knowledge sharing, group reflexivity and corporative memory as social psychology subjects. A. L. Zhuravlev, T. A. Nestik
- Relationship of subject’s, mental and cognitive experience in persons with different activity success. I.A. Kibal’chenko
- Multilevel character of mental regulation as a basis for psychodiagnostics development. A. N. Kostin, Yu. Ya. Golikov
- Personal development of junior adolescents in different age collective. A.Yu. Kruglikova
- Coping behavior of married couple: dynamics and structure. E.V. Kuftyak
- Relationship between understanding the subject of psychology and psychologists’ professional thinking. N. P. Lokalova
- K.K. Platonov’s contribution to domestic aviation psychology formation. N. D. Lysakov, E. N. Lysakova
- Consulting and psychotherapy in the internet: pros and cons. V. Yu. Menovshikov
- Psychological aspects of spiritual intelligence and spiritual abilities. Part I. Spiritual intelligence. G.V. Ozhiganiva
- Distractor effects IN perceptual tasks. I.S. Utochkin.
Scientific and public activities of S.L. Rubinstein in Odessa.
A. Y. Chebykin, I.M. Pivovarchik
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