№ 4/2009 год(eng)


L. N. Aksenovskaya 

PhD, assistant professor of psychology chair, SSU after N.G. Chernishevsky, Saratov 

The author’s socio-psychological conception of organizational culture is presented. It is shown that organizational culture can be understand as a complex socio-psychological order in organizational – managerial interactions, set and controlled by systems of interaction participants’ ethic senses. 

Key words: organizational culture, managerial interaction, ethic senses, socio-psychological order, order model, suborder, managerial psychotherapy, sotering.



E. G. Bydrina 

PhD, research assistant, laboratory of psychology of aptitudes after V.N. Druzhinin Institute of Psychology RAS, Moscow  

The dynamics of adolescents’ intellectual development under different educational models (corrective, traditional, enriching) is considered. The results of empirical study of intellectual development of adolescents of 5-th – 9-th forms (n = 566 pers.) are analyzed in the complex of convergent, divergent and style properties of intellect. By means of cluster analysis the dynamics of style properties of intellect is presented and splitting of cognitive styles’ equivalence range and impulsivity –reflectivity poles for adolescents is done. The hypothesis that the dynamics of intellectual development in adolescence has multidirectional character, including progressive, regressive and stepwise changes is set up. The influence of educational factor on dynamics of intellectual development in adolescence is considered. It is determined that senior adolescent pupils under enriching educational model demonstrate considerable increase in the level of convergent and style properties of intellect in comparison with the pupils under traditional model.  

Key words: dynamics, intellectual development, cognitive styles, adolescence, model of education.



Zh. M. Glozman 

Sc.D. (psychology), professor, psychological department, MSU after M.V. Lomonosov, Moscow 

Theoretical grounds, meaning and history of mediation methods’ application in neuropsychological rehabilitation of patients with cerebral affections and in neuropsychological correction of children with immature higher psychological processes are analyzed. Classification of mediation methods is given. Objective and subjective factors of mediation are discussed. As an illustration inner picture of disease, its structure and typology of attitude to disease are discussed. 

Key words: mediation, rearrangement of functional systems, inner picture of disease.



A. L. Zhuravlev*, T. A. Nestik** 

* Sc.D. (psychology), Corresponding Member of RAE, director of Institute of Psychology RAS, Moscow

** PhD, senior research assistant, Institute of Psychology RAS, Moscow  

The analysis of team-work management researchers in foreign social psychology has been conducted. Five main theoretical paradigms in team-work studying (structural, socio-cultural, net, emotional, cognitive) are allotted. Special emphasis is made on team creativity and team activity in the conditions of high uncertainty and time deficiency studies. The most perspective tendencies of future researches are laid down  

Key words: team-work, management, leadership, social nets, social identity, group emotional states, uncertainty, time deficiency, team creativity.



V. A. Lefebvre*, F. Sanabria** 

* Research Professor, School of social Sciences, University of California, Irvine, USA

e-mail: valefebv@uci.edu 

** Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, Arizona State University, Phoenix, USA 

In the experiments with animals in a Skinner chamber with two keys and concurrent schedules, the subjects’ responses to reinforcement were traditionally described by the Generalized Matching Law function. More recently, it has been suggested that deviations from strict matching may be better described as following a policy of mostly fixing on the preferred schedule, and occasionally sampling the alternative schedule. In the current paper, the authors describe one such model based on parsimonious assumptions of the internal state of the organism and mechanisms of reinforcement attribution. Formally, the model is analogous to the Axiom of Repeated Choice initially constructed for explanation of the human moral choice. The model takes into consideration a two-aspect feature of choice: each alternative has both a practical utility, and an analogue to moral value (good–evil). 

Keywords: choice, Skinner chamber, Generalized Matching Law, Axiom of Repeated Choice, internal variable.



M.I. Mar’in*, S.D. Birukov**, M.V. Smirnova***

*Sc.D. (psychology), professor of psychology, pedagogics and organizational management chair, Academy of management MVD of Russia, Moscow,

**PhD, senior research assistant, Institute of Psychology RAS, Moscow,

***Consultant, department for organization of psychological support, DKO MVD Russia, Moscow

The results of comparative analysis of personal characteristics of officers who had committed suicide (714 pers.) and of functioning officers of internal affairs organs (526 pers.) are presented. The total sample consists of 1240 males aged 24–53 years, with service experience from 1 to 20 years. The purpose of the study was to determine the factors of suicidal risk on the basis of results of psychodiagnostic examination during enrollment at internal affairs organs. Different factor structures of personal indices in groups of comparison are determined. Differences in the types of reactions on posttraumatic situations are revealed, distinctions in psychological defense mechanisms and peculiarities in rise and development of mental disadaptation states are determined. Multiple regression equation for suicidal risk prognosis by psychodignisics examination data is elaborated and testing of its efficacy in an effort to prevent suicides among internal affairs organs’ officers is done. Statistically significance differences in the factor, defined by SMIL (MMPI) scales “pessimism”, “anxiety”, “individuality”, “social introversion” are determined.  

Key words: suicide, personal factors of suicidal risk, psychic (mental) disadaptation.



E. I. Nikolaeva*, E. Y. Borisenkova**  

*Sc.D., (biology), professor of psychology and psychophysiology chair, Russian State Pedagogical University after A.I. Gerzen, St. Petersburg

**Post graduate student, child’s psychology and psychophysiology chair, Russian State Pedagogical University after A.I. Gerzen, St. Petersburg  

The purpose of the research was to study the intelligence of preschool children age 4–7 with different types of profile of functional sensomotor asymmetry. The hypothesis about its correlation with peculiarities of boys’ and girls’ brain maturation in ontogenesis was tested. 161 children (87 girls and 74 boys) were the sample. It is revealed that for age group 4.0–4.11 indices of nonverbal intelligence are higher for children with left-side profile. Nonverbal intelligence of boys of any ages is independent of profile, for girls of age groups 4.0–4.11 and 5.0–5.11 with left-side profile it is higher than for girls with other profiles. At the age of 5.0–5.11 verbal intelligence is higher for girls with mixed profile and later the one is independent of profile.

Key words: profile of functional sensomotor asymmetry, verbal and nonverbal intelligence, children.



A. T. Proshin*, Z. I. Storozheva**, V. V. Sherstnev***, Yu. I. Alexandrov**** 

*research assistant, Institute of Normal Physiology named after P.K. Anokhin, RAMS;Moscow

** PhD, senior research assistant, the same place

***M.D., professor, the same place

**** Sc.D. (psychology), professor, Institute of Psychology RAS, Moscow 

The assumption that presentation of light signal associated with positive reinforcement affected the dynamics of formed by sound stimulus negative emotional behavior of “withdrawal” was checked. The research was conducted on rats; their negative emotional behavior of “withdrawal” (“startle-reaction”- wince), investigatory-exploration activity and fading during sound stimuli presentation after light intensity changing were recorded and compared with previously formed in experimental group positive behavior of “approach”. Received data confirm the assumption that modification of negative emotional behavior of “withdrawal” during actualization of formed under situations with emotions of different valence behavior is due to activation and interaction of different domains of experience. 

Key words: individual experience, learning, emotions, startle-reaction, modification of behavior.



N. A. Solovova*, E. S. Kalmykova**, M. A. Padun***

*lecture of psychological department, NNOU “Humanitarian Institute”, Moscow

**PhD, senior research assistant of psychology of posttraumatic stress laboratory, Institute of Psychology RAS, Moscow,

***PhD, research assistant of psychology of posttraumatic stress laboratory, the same place

The results of longitude study of drug addicts’ rehabilitation process (n = 68 pers.) to reveal personal predictors of success in rehabilitation are presented. It is shown that self-esteem, intensity of life-meaning orientations and specific character of reactions to frustrations are significant for rehabilitation. Changes in correlations between personal characteristics and psychic states due to psychoactive substance inclusion in this interaction are discussed. Comparison of personal characteristics of drug addicts with ones of probationers from the control group (n = 100 pers.) is made.

Key words: drug addicts, rehabilitation, longitude, personal characteristic, self-esteem, life-meaning orientations, reactions to frustration.



N. A. Solovova*, E. S. Kalmykova**, M. A. Padun*** 

*lecture of psychological department, NNOU “Humanitarian Institute”, Moscow

**PhD, senior research assistant of psychology of posttraumatic stress laboratory, Institute of Psychology RAS, Moscow,

***PhD, research assistant of psychology of posttraumatic stress laboratory, the same place 

The results of longitude study of drug addicts’ rehabilitation process (n = 68 pers.) to reveal personal predictors of success in rehabilitation are presented. It is shown that self-esteem, intensity of life-meaning orientations and specific character of reactions to frustrations are significant for rehabilitation. Changes in correlations between personal characteristics and psychic states due to psychoactive substance inclusion in this interaction are discussed. Comparison of personal characteristics of drug addicts with ones of probationers from the control group (n = 100 pers.) is made.  

Key words: drug addicts, rehabilitation, longitude, personal characteristic, self-esteem, life-meaning orientations, reactions to frustration.




On A.V. Jurevich’s articleMoral status of the present-day Russian society” published in Discussion column (Psychological Journal 2009, N 3, p….) several comments of the leading Russian psychologist were received. Works of the authors who continue this discussion are presented below.

V.A. Koltsova carries out cultural and historical analysis of attitude to richness in Russia and draws a conclusion that problems of moral upbringing must become prerogative for a State, be under its control and be a task of primary social importance.

M.I. Volovikova continues the elaboration of morality problem in the context of existing in the present-day Russian society macro-psychological processes’ analysis, focusing special attention to psychological researches of the given problem.

E.N. Reznikov proposes detailed plan of Institute of Psychology RAS participation in psychological and moral problems solving in the present-day society.

A.V. Sukharev considers the notion of ethno-functional informational security in the context of ethno-functional approach. According to his opinion, with reference to Russia, it is necessary to elaborate a system of flexible and differentiated ethno-functional interaction for national ethno environments.

V.A. Sosnin defines the consolidation of Russian society on common spiritual basis as national task, proposing its solution by means of forming of historical consciousness, sense of unity with the nation, respect to nation’s history and culture. The author considers it mistakenly to ignore such century-old cultural and national peculiarities of Russian society as collectivity, solidarity, high social conformity, religious and spiritual values.

A.B. Kupreichenko proves the expediency of differential approach to elaboration of practical recommendations and methods of influence on moral consciousness and behavior, starting from biological, spiritual and pragmatic grounds of morality.

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