Sergei A. Schapkin
Москва, Ярославская ул., 13.
Телефон: 683 52 10, 203 35 71
Факс: 682 92 01, 203 35 65.
- Institute of Psychology, Russian Academy of Sciences (since 1987), senior research psychologist
- Department of Psychology, Moscow State University named after M. V. Lomonosov (since 1994), assistant professor
- Main research activities are: psychophysiology of emotions, sustained attention, personality diagnostics
Practical implications of research findings:
- adaptation to extreme work conditions
- personnel selection & development
- computer-aided teaching technologies
Main research projects
- 1992-1993. "ERP-correlates of emotional processing" supported by German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD). The project was carried out at the University of Osnabrueck, Germany.
- 1997-1998. Leader of research project "Computer games as a tool for reduction of negative emotional states in the monotonous work conditions" supported by Russian Foundation for Human Sciences.
- 1999-2000. Leader of research project "Psychologocal and psychophysiological determinants of vigilance" supported by Russian Foundation for Basic Research.
Main publications
- Dikaya, L.G., Schapkin, S.A. & Gusev, A.N. (1992). Adaptation to sleep deprivation: an analysis of EEG and performance indicators. Physiologia Cheloveka, 16, 42-50. (Russian).
- Schapkin, S. A. (1992). Analysis of changes in motivation under sustained operations conditions with motivation induction method. In L.G.Dikaya (Ed.) Psychological Methods for Performance Analysis and Control of Mental States. (pp.108-119) Moscow: Institute of Psychology RAS. (Russian).
- Kuhl, J., Schapkin, S. & Gusev, A. (1994). A theory of volitional inhibition and an empirical test: individual differences in the topography of ERP patterns for action- versus state oriented processing of emotional words. Forschungsberichte aus der Universitaet Osnabrueck. Nr.99, pp. 1-52.
- Schapkin, S.A. & Dikaya, L.G. (1996). Volitional determinants of adaptation to performance under sleep deprivation. Psychologicheski Zurnal, 17, 19-34. (Russian).
- Kremlev, A.E., Schapkin, S.A., Gusev A. N. (1996). Testmaker. The computer system for development of psychological tests. Manual. Moscow: UMK "Psychologia" (Russian). 68 p.
- Schapkin, S.A. (1997). Experimental studies of volitional processes. Book series: Practicum in experimental psychology. Moscow: Smysl. (Russian). 144 p.
- Schapkin, S. A. (1999). Computer game: a new field for psychological investigations. Psychologicheski Zurnal, 20, 47-67. (Russian).
- Schapkin, S. A. Varashkevich S. A. (1999). Effect of a computer game on mood state and psychomotor performance. Vestnik MGU. Ser. Psychologia. 3, 25-33. (Russian).
- Schapkin, S. A. (2000). Hemispheric asymmetry in processing of emotional words: effects of extraversion and neuroticism. Voprosi Psichologii. No. 3, 102-116. (Russian).
- Schapkin, S. A. (2000). Russian version of the Mehrabian achievement risk preference scale. Psychologicheski Zurnal. 21, 113-127. (Russian).
- Schapkin, S. A., Gusev, A. N. & Kuhl, J. (2000). Categorization of unilaterally presented emotional words: an ERP analysis. Acta Neurobiologiae Experimentalis. 60, 17-28. (English).
- Schapkin S. A., Gusev A.N. (2001). Effects of personality and time of day on vigilance performance. Psychologicheski Zurnal. 22, 61-67. (Russian).
Computer-aided tests
- Schapkin, S.A. (1996). Russian version of Action-State-Orientation scale. (Russian).
- Schapkin, S.A. (1997). Russian version of Mehrabian Achievement Risk Preference Scale. (Russian).
- Schapkin, S.A. (1997). Russian version of Mehrabian Scale for Measure of Affiliation tendency and sensitivity to rejection. (Russian).
- Schapkin, S.A., Gusev A. N. (1998). Measurement in psychology. A knowledge test for students. (Russian).
- Schapkin, S.A. (1999). Russian version of the Multi-Motiv-Grid for measurement of achievement, power, and affiliation motives. (Russian).
- Schapkin, S.A. (2000). A questionnaire for measurement of power motive. (Russian).
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